Thursday, September 12, 2013

Brown Bag #9

Wednesday, September 18th — Brown Bag Discussion #9
America At War: What Are The Rules?
International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
With Jeanne M. Lieberman, Esq.
Adjunct Professor, Core division
Where and when: Morgan Room, Aiken Hall, 12:30-2 p.m.

About this discussion: 
How do we define torture or regulate weapons? What is an “unlawful enemy combatant”? What is the status of reporters or contractors on battlefields? Is environmental damage a war crime? Who can try an accused war criminal? Was “Shock and Awe” an illegal tactic? The answers come directly from International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The essential IHL rules, codified in the Geneva Conventions, aim to reduce the suffering and devastation of war in order to assure a more lasting peace after the war. How’s that going? This presentation covers the essential principles of IHL historically and in the context of current events. Participation is encouraged. It will take the form of applying IHL principles to concrete situations.
Next up…
To volunteer for a brown bag talk, please contact Paula Olsen,

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