Looking for something good to read? The MIC has got you covered! From beach reads to award-winning fiction, celebrity memoirs to titles of local interest, the Popular Books collection is the home for new books that are buzzing. We're excited to announce the inauguration of our Popular Books reading section on the first floor of the library. These shelves are located in the nook next to the Tower Room, which is on your left as you're entering the library.
This collection consists of recent Fiction and Nonfiction selected by our team of librarians to help keep you entertained. The collection will be added to monthly with new publications, so you will see these shelves fill up throughout the year with great new books. A few titles from our initial run include:
How to Fly a Horse by Kevin Ashton
You can find a complete, updated list on our Popular Books LibGuide: http://subjectguides.champlain.edu/popular
You can find a complete, updated list on our Popular Books LibGuide: http://subjectguides.champlain.edu/popular
Check back often for new titles. If you have suggestions, let us know!